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Consultant Psychologist
Aditi Ganguly
25 years in the area of mental health
Aditi Ganguly
Registered with RCI
Received certification from various esteemed organizations of India and abroad


Aditi Ganguly is a Consultant Psychologist working over 25 years in the area of mental health. She is a post graduate in psychology from Calcutta University, a registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) and has been accredited from NIMHANS, Bangalore. She has been trained and received certification from various esteemed organizations of India and abroad. She is trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) from Beck Institute, Philadelphia. She has worked over two decades with children and adults in educational institutions, Nursing Homes, hospitals to help people with adverse life situations with her person centric approach.

Focus on





Bipolar Disorder

Relationship Problems

Behavioural Problems
(Child, teenage, adolescents)